A hernia is the bulging or swelling of tissues, or organs through the abdominal wall. In certain cases, the swelling can be seen while bearing down or stretching. A hernia is very common in the abdominal area, although they may also appear in the upper thigh, groin or the belly button. In most cases, doctors might prescribe surgery to prevent hernia complications from causing life-threatening conditions.
Hernia Surgery and complications:
All over the world, more than 170,000 patients are undergoing hernia mesh operations. According to specialists, the rate of complication among such patients ranges from 10% to 25%.
According to the FDA’s official website most of the time the complications caused by the hernia mesh recall products that are not available in the market. These products can create issues leading to complications like pain, recurrence of hernia, infection, obstruction and other problems in the patients. According to one report, these recalled products are one of the prime reasons for causing bowel obstructions and perforation complications in the patients.
If you or your loved ones are suffering from the difficulties caused by a hernia mesh surgery, then approach the Bernstein, DeCailly & Marshall, PLLC. They have experience in providing legal aid to patients suffering from complications caused by medical negligence or faulty hernia mesh recall products. For more information, visit Bdmlawyers.com or call 844-875-4747.